Monday, July 27, 2009

The Good, the Bad and the Charcoal

Every time I eat something new that makes me smile, I immediately want to try to duplicate it at home. Usually I forget about my aspirations, but sometimes I actually remember to try a recipe later. Almost always, I screw stuff up the 1st time I try to figure out a dish without a recipe. Which leads me to my next point...

Jenny and I have had sweet potato fries at Salt City Burger Co. a couple of times and have loved every minute of eating them. They're good with fry sauce, ranch, mayonnaise, A-1, or just plain. They are just plain good. When you get the cooking time right.
Also, the fries need to be turned over every 10 minutes so they don't turn out looking (and tasting) like mine did. Jenny and I were able to try a couple of the fries with the aioli sauce that I made for them. I will describe the aioli sauce in more detail in a later post. I made my 1st batch of fries a while ago and, after 3 attempts, am finally able to pay attention long enough to get them to turn out ok. They're still not nearly as good as the fries at Salt City, so I think I'm going to (mostly) give up on trying to make them at home.


Jenny said...

Oh, I love your sweet potato fries. If you are going to retire from making them, I'll just have to take over and give it a shot myself. Love you!

Unknown said...

don't give up after only 3 tries!