Thursday, August 27, 2009

What actually happened (boating)

Jenny mentioned briefly what happened to my face on Sunday...
In the interest of accuracy, I'll tell you that the story actually goes like this:
(Scene 1)
(It's overcast and dreary. The lake is calm and eerily silent. Apparently no one thought it would be a good day for boating. These absentees have no idea just how right they are; these waters are about to turn darker... with blood!
Our boat sidles closer to the dock, but we're still about 10 or 15 feet away. The dock worker makes an under-hand throwing motion with the ski flag. I hold out my hand to indicate that I am ready to catch the flag when he throws it. Oh, how wrong I was. If only I knew what was in store for me, I would have worn a hockey mask, or maybe my grinding face shield (picture below).
The dock worker, sullen and grumbling about having to step out of the comfort of his rickety shack and into the squall that was now mercilessly battering the lonely dock, viciously hurled the ski flag at me like a blunted dart of fury. I, expecting it to tumble end-over-end like a baton, and not straight at my face, like a javelin of suffering, misjudged its speed and the projectile rammed into my face, just under my right eye, then ricocheted into Jenny, who was sitting just beside me.)
Dock worker: "Hey, sorry about your face!"
Jenny: "It didn't hit my face! It hit my boob!"
Me: "Uh, I think he was actually talking to me."
(Jenny turns her head up to look at me, and as the realization dawns on her, her face turns into a mask of horror and concern.)
Jenny: "Oh my gosh! Are you ok?"
My face: A Grinding Face Mask:

Friday, August 14, 2009

Random Photos

I went golfing a while ago. We saw a fawn (that's a baby deer, for all of you who never saw Bambi and who can't figure out how this internet thing works). I didn't get my phone out in time to snap a picture of that, but I did get a picture of this squirrel that was hanging out around our cart, probably hoping for handouts.
It kind of looks like I'm dancing. Or maybe I'm a puppet. Make up your own caption and post it as a comment.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


790 East 2100 South, SLC
Last week (or maybe it was the week before), a couple of guys from work and I went down to O'Falafel for lunch. This was my first visit and I was not disappointed. Check out the menu on their website. I made sure to take pictures of the dishes that everyone got. I am going to try to remember what is what (sorry for the poor pic quality... these were taken with the camera on my phone).
My meal was called Yakhni Khudra. It was one of the less flavorful that I have tried here, but it is still very good. It is served with basmati rice. If you're not sure you will like Mediterranean style food, this would be a good dish to start with. There was some kind of vegetable in here that I didn't really like, but other than that, this was delicious.
One of the guys I work with had the Kifta (the near plate in the photo below), and he also ordered a Meat Pie (the far plate in the same photo). The Kifta is described below. The Meat Pie is seasoned, ground beef stuffed into pita bread (I think), then grilled like a panini. I haven't tried this (yet), but the guy who ordered it said it was really, really good.
I like the place so much that I made Jenny come with me to lunch the next day.
We both like the Fatoush from Mazza, so we decided to give it a shot here. It was very good; very fresh, and very colorful.
It looks kind of funny here because I forgot to take pictures until after we had started eating it. Actually, I forgot to take pictures until we were about halfway done eating everything.
Imagine that everything in these pictures looks much better than it does in the pictures.
The Baba Ganouj was excellent. It was chunkier than the stuff at Mazza, but still just as flavorful. I think this is because it's not made in a food processor.
We also had something called a Spinach Pie. If you're not a spinach fan, try something else. If, however, you do like spinach, definitely give this a taste. These kept pretty well in the fridge over night too (especially with the left-over baba ganouj).
Jenny got a sandwich called Kifteh. It is made out of ground, seasoned beef, and served in pita bread with some kind of magical sauce made out of pixie dust. It makes me salivate just thinking about it.